My boys have LOVED having Little Tage around. They smoother him with kisses, hugs, cars and soccer balls. I have found Lighting McQueen in the cradle too many times to count. I love it. I love that they love each other. I love having 3 boys.

Texas is absolutely gorgeous right now. Every spare patch of land is bursting with color. I took my boys out to a beautiful field of Blue Bonnets and let them run around while I snapped away. Now, every time we stop at a stop light my two year old will yell, "Flowers! Flowers! Pictures Mom, Pictures!" These boys love the camera. Maybe a bit too much ;)

Carter usually hams it up, but was being a bit bashful since he had an audience. But this image captures his social personality perfectly.

Tage was very unsure of the bright sun, pesky bugs and itchy foliage.

I took tons of Carter since he just turned 2. I may count these for his birthday pictures. But probably not.