Wednesday, September 22


Aimee and Jacob's wedding turned out perfect. It was blazing hot, but a wonderful day nonetheless. They were married in the Mesa LDS Temple.
The little ones had umbrellas for shade which made for some cute pics.
They shared with the bride.
Oh the bridal party was a hoot. My cheeks were so sore from laughing so hard. So much fun! BFF's for sure.
What a bunch of goofs.
Let me tell you, the bride and groom can really dance. They graced the floor with
such elegance.
I love Daddy Daughter moments.

So Blessed

Carter was blessed by his daddy almost 5 months ago and here are the pictures from that wonderful day. I am smitten by the adorable little shoes. I bought them for Kyle's blessing 3.5 years ago and with him coming out of the womb with a size 3 foot and by the 1 month mark almost into a size 5, he never got to wear the tiny newborn shoes. So I saved them for baby #2 and I just get so giddy looking at a babe of mine finally wearing them.
My mother made the priceless white baby blanket Carter is laying on. She has made all 17 grandchildren one as a gift from Grandma.

Wednesday, September 1

Too Fast

As I was talking with my doctor today, he asked why I didn't bring Carter with me. While Carter usually attends my appointments, my last experience, also being the first time I met this new doctor, Carter screamed through the entire hour appointment. I think the doctor was on edge the entire time, therefore I left him home. (The sweet nurse came in and took him while we finished up. When I went to get him he was still screaming as she was coming out of a dark room. She said she tried to calm him in the pitch black room...I forgot to tell her he is afraid of the dark. Ooops!)
Anyway, when meeting with the Doc today, he was a bit bummed I didn't bring him in and counseled me that our children's early years go by too fast. It is difficult to keep up and we must savor each moment. He then told me that he would give anything to rewind time and have back the moments when his children, now 9,7,and4, were little. He said that he worked too much and has since learned that nothing matters but our little ones and spending time with them. He was so tender hearted and sincere. It made me stop and think that even though my children drain every once of energy out of me, and I think this is a difficult time, things are only going to get harder and that I need to treasure the time NOW.
As I edited these photos, I couldn't help but think, he is 1 already! It felt like just yesterday I took Little C's newborn photos. Time really does fly.
A Little Yoga.
Enjoy your little ones today.